Ping test for external URL (cross-domain) using JQuery

Ping test for external URL (cross-domain) using JQuery

I am trying to do an PING test to an external URL to see it is available or not.  So i want to make an HTTP call to than external URL  and expecting the status as 200.

When i tried with $.ajax, $.post and $.get and all, i came to know that there is Cross-domain issue.  Then tried again by creating a proxy in my apache server, as below.

  1. RewriteRule /l2/eddUtilityService/eddUtilityService.wsdl
  2. ProxyPassReverse /l2/
Also below is may ajax call;
I have already tried with type as POST,GET.  No luck.  Also I tried with contentType as JSONP.  Still no luck.
  1. $.ajax({ url: "/l2/eddUtilityService/eddUtilityService.wsdl", type: "HEAD", async: false, contentType: "text/xml", success: function(data){ console.log("SUCCESS for ajax call "); return data.responseCode; }, error:function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.log("Error for ajax call "+jqXHR.status+"-- "+textStatus+"--"+errorThrown); return jqXHR.status; }
But still its NOT working for me.  I am getting the status and readyState as zero.
I am not expecting the response from the URL i am calling.  Just want to check that i can reach it or not.
Is there any simple way I can test it using JQuery?

Thanks in advance.