Problem replacing html text

Problem replacing html text


I'm stuck with this. I'd like to give the user the chance to think if he is completely sure of delete his account before to do it. So, I put an <a> tag which calls the following script:

  1.  $(".editAccount a").on("click", function(e){
  2.       e.preventDefault();
  3.       var curr = $(".editAccount").html();
  4.       var r = $(".editAccount").html("<h3>ARE YOU COMPLETELY SURE OF DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT..</h3><div><a class='yes'>YES</a><a class='no'>NO</a></div>");
  5. });

My idea is if he clicks on "NO" he "goes back" to the original html content (in the curr var) and if he clicks on "YES" he continuous his delete account's process.  

The problem is: I'm afraid I'm not doing well, because curr is a local var and I don't know how to solve this problem... Would you please help me?