Relocating jstree’s themes

Relocating jstree’s themes

Hi, I am using jstree ( and it comes with default themes located directly under where the jstree script is located.
For me this is in the Scripts folder. So I have /Scripts/themes/classic. I wish to move this folder to /Content/themes/jstree/classic

I read up on the jstree docs, which states to simply add the “url” attribute under the themes section in the config file. The docs state:



A string (or false if not used). Default is false.

The location of the theme's CSS file, if set to false jstree will look for the file in < theme folder >/themes/< theme name >/style.css. You can set the theme folder using $.jstree._themes = "PATH/TO/FOLDER/";, otherwise it is autodetected as <jquery.tree.js location>/themes/.


So, I did this:

        "themes": {

            "theme": "classic",




This did not work, nor did many attempts at setting the “url”.

Researching this led me to another direction where you set this value outside of the config file, but that method did not work either.


Has anyone successfully moved or renamed the default theme folder?

Has anyone successfully renamed the theme name?


Any help (or suggestions) on this would be much appreciated!

