Simple jQuery Mobile site for Windows Mobile 6.5

Simple jQuery Mobile site for Windows Mobile 6.5

I'm making a webapp for a customer with many Motorola ES400 devices in use. The device runs only on Windows Mobile 6.5. The Internet Explorer does not support HTML5. I've been looking for other browsers. The only browser I found for Windows Mobile 6.5 with some HTML5 support is Opera 10. But with Opera 10 the width of the website does not fit on the display, you have to scroll in horizontal direction. In this forum I found this question 2 years ago, but no answer and obviously jQuery Mobile has changed a bit in the meantime...


Does anybody know how to solve the horizontal scrolling problem in Opera 10? I've used for the viewport: width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0. A test version of the site: .


Or does anybody know of another browser for Windows Mobile 6.5 that does support HTML5?


I hope you can help!