toggle checkboxes in a table after click function
I need this function to work after the page is loaded.
The error is a missing ; before statement error on the true line.
Also when the checkbox toggle-all is clicked as "checked" I want it to mark the class in the table checkall checked as true and when toggle-all checkbox is clicked again, mark all checked boxes in the table false.
It seems almost right but some error with the brackets.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#toggle-all, input:checkbox').click(
function ()
$('#table, :checkbox').attr(':checked','checked').true);
$('#table :checkbox').attr(':checked').false);
<section id="main">
<form id="task-list"> <input id="toggle-all" name="toggle-all" type="checkbox" />
<table class="table" >
<tr><td><input type="checkbox" class="checkall" />item.todo </td><td></td><td></tr>
...... more rows