Use jQuery UI autocomplete for Firefox plugin

Use jQuery UI autocomplete for Firefox plugin


I am working a firefox plugin called Trump for the Tellurium automated testing framework. I included jQuery UI widget autocomplete, but seems it does not work in Trump.

The code snippet is as follows,

Editor.prototype.switchToCustomizeTab = function(){
    document.getElementById("editorTabs").selectedItem = document.getElementById("customizeTab");
    var uitypes = tellurium.getRegisteredUiTypes();
    logger.debug("Get registered UI types: " + uitypes.join(", "));
    teJQuery("#uiType").autocomplete("option", "source", uitypes);

From debug, I can see uitypes has been populated, but I tried on the UI, the autocomplete does not work.
The UI portion is as follows,

      <row align="center">
          <!-- show different options collected by the client. Allow user to override -->
          <label control="commandTarget" value="&type.label;"/>
          <hbox flex="1">
          <textbox flex="1" disabled="true" id="uiType" oninput=""/>


The project can be viewed at:

or check out from

To run the plugin, simply run

> ant

task and install the xpi file in the dist directory in Firefox 3.

Any hints on what was wrong?

Thanks in advance,
