Validate Plugin - Password and PasswordConfirm Fields Problem?

Validate Plugin - Password and PasswordConfirm Fields Problem?

I could not find anything on this plugin (jquery-validate/1.5.5/
jquery.validate.min.js) regarding possible problems with these fields.
When I edit and test the first (newPassword) field using value
'password1', then test the second (PasswordConfirm) field with value
'password' an error is shown as expected. I then go back to the first
password field and remove the '1', changing the value to 'password',
being my correct and desired password. The error still remains even
though the fields are now equal.
Should the above error not be removed by this plugin as default
I created a work around which calls the validate on the
passwordConfirm field (only if not empty) after the newPassword field
is updated.
$('form #newPassword').change(function (){
if(!$('form input#newPasswordConfirm').val())
Any anyone else noticed this on the plugin and should I create a
ticket if it is a bug (even though somewhat small)?
The 'equalTo=newPassword' HTML attribute is only on the
passwordConfirm field as I do not want the error to show up initially
when both fields aren't equal.