wait for multiple $.ajax calls with post load animations to finish

wait for multiple $.ajax calls with post load animations to finish

I had a function that called a few $.ajax posts using $.when which was working, but since I added some load delay animations to the success return of the $.ajax asyn call it isn't waiting for those in the $.when

        function tableOne() {
                url: "/cont/_ActionOne",
                type: "GET",
             .done(function (partialViewResult) {
                 var degree = 90;
                 $(".type1").css("transform", "rotateY(" + degree + "deg)").delay(1250).queue(function () {
                     var degreex = 0;
                     $(".type1").css("transform", "rotateY(" + degreex + "deg)");
        function tableTwo() {
                url: "/cont/_ActionTwo",
                type: "GET",
             .done(function (partialViewResult) {
                 var degree = 90;
                 $(".type2").css("transform", "rotateY(" + degree + "deg)").delay(1250).queue(function () {
                     var degreex = 0;
                     $(".type2").css("transform", "rotateY(" + degreex + "deg)");
        function tableThree() {
                url: "/cont/_ActionThree",
                type: "GET",
             .done(function (partialViewResult) {
                 var degree = 90;
                 $(".type3").css("transform", "rotateY(" + degree + "deg)").delay(1250).queue(function () {
                     var degreex = 0;
                     $(".type3").css("transform", "rotateY(" + degreex + "deg)");
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $.when(tableOne(), tableTwo(), tableThree()).then(function () {
                    $('.CheckBox').attr('disabled', false);

the console.log("PostLoad") is fired before any of the other functions so this is hitting that before they are done.  I have tried wrapping the functions in the $.when with $.ajax but that hasn't made a difference.

thanks in advance