wrap() not working like I want it.. No Surprise.

wrap() not working like I want it.. No Surprise.

Ok, I have a jqGrid plug-in that goes out and gets a static xml file from web and then pushes data within certain nodes to specific divs/html elements.  I also am running a prettyPhoto plug-in that dynamically develops a slideshow.  Within jqGrid onSelectRow option, I have
  1. $(data.picsequence).wrap("<ul class='clearfix tabArea'></ul>").appendTo('#slideshow');
   This wrap is what does not work.  What am I doing wrong???  Firebug shows the div slideshow and then directly under it the li element.  NO ul element inbetween. 

    The column model of my jqGrid is:
  1. {name:"picsequence",index:"picsequence", xmlmap:"itemMedia>itemPhoto>sequence", width:0, hidden: true},

    And a sample of the specific xml file node in question would be something like:
  1. <itemMedia>
                        <![CDATA[<li><a href="weaponLib/stillMedia/images/a085.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto" title="A085 Dummy Round"><img src="weaponLib/stillMedia/thumbnails/a085.png" width="160" height="120" alt="" /></a></li>]]>

My script works if I do it the long way and hard code the 'ul' tag into the html.  But I was trying to use jquery to tweek my 'li' and give it a 'ul' wrap dynamically and get rid of the hard coded 'ul' element in the html.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I don't have much more hair to pull out.

And before you ask, I have also tried a wrapAll() function as from examples in the jQuery documentation.  I have several nodes in other xml files that have multiple li sequences to develop several pics to site visitor.

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