Jquery multi accordion collapse all
Hi, I can't find option to collapse all multi accordion. I am using http://www.jqueryscript.net/accordion/Smooth-Nested-Accordion-Plugin-with-jQuery-jQuery-UI-multiAccordion.html I have tried active, collapsible and initialState properties. my code is below <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"
Select 2 Customisation
Hi All, I want select 2 dropdown to dynamically adjust its length to show content in single line(should take width of the longest option possible) when drop down is clicked. Thanks in advance:) Regards Naseer
Reset/remove validation error messages on modal form
I am using bootstrap 4.0 beta and validator 1.17. I have a form in a bootstrap modal. If I enter invalid data into a field (and validation error is displayed), then close the modal, then reopen the modal the error message is still there. Man, I've searched to the end of the internet and tried so many things (mostly old versions), but nothing works. I am using aspnet core which automatically loads and sets up the validator. Any idea how I can clear the validation errors when the modal is first
Hi someone help me with this I need to update my multipurpose theme into multi language. How can i change? is there any plugin? there is 100 pages in my multipurpose theme. i don't want to clone all pages. the language is Arabic. is there any plugin?
best input mask plugin to use with jQuery Validation Plugin
We use the jQuery Validation Plugin (by Jörn Zaefferer) in all our web applications, and now we would like to add input mask capability. I'm concerned that an input mask plugin may conflict with our existing validation code. Can someone recommend a good input mask plugin that they have used successfully with the jQuery Validation Plugin? Any thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeannine
how to use jquery for validation
I have a question on this jquery. I found it on login on virginatlantic.com flying club. The site is in Adobe AEM java CMS. How does it work in a secure environment for example, to use Jquery as a login mechanism? What is the interstitial? Does that mean once it validated by front end it gets handed over to another mechanism in Java to do the backend verification? It checks the login first name and last name and email address once that is validated? Why does it hide the error list? It stores
jquery not working after server migration
hello. I'm a skillful neophyte on everything I do. specially on Javascript. lately I thought that will give it a try, to migrate an HTML website of mine (which I did not made, since I have no idea how) to a new Godaddy server. to my surprise it did worked! however the pics and the jquery scripts are not working (jquery.scrollsnap.js) here's the original website located at hostgator, which is working properly. www.whywedo.fi the Godaddy's version you don't see the images scrolling, only the white
regarding Collapsible Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Treegrid
I am using this plugin.Its working fine. But sometimes the node which it creates does not expand. I did a debug of jquery.grid.js . And found out that _expanderClick() function is getting called multiple times in the cases when node doen't expand. Although the html for tr and child tr are getting loaded fully. Can anyone help me with this issue.
Custom ajax error message translation
I'm using jQuery Validation Plugin v1.16.0 in zend framework 2, I want to display transalted custom message in the jQuery error. My message is converted in chinese from the Form error message but not display properly in front end. For example my message is : Please enter valid email Should be like : 请输入有效的电子邮件 But it is now as : u8bf7u8f93u5165u6709u6548u7684u7535u5b50u90aeu4ef6
Need help in updating the existing Jquery plugin.
Hello All, I have implemented one jquery plugin. below is the plugin. http://www.jqueryscript.net/other/Easy-Any-Content-Pagination-Plugin-jQuery-Paginate-js.html using above plugin i have generated the dynamic list of ul using below js code. function FetchData() {
success: function (r) {
$.each(JSON.parse(data), function (key, result) {
// appending data in ul.
function SetPaginate() {
Unable to delete default inputmask percentage value
Hello Team, I am using inputmask plugin to allow user to enter percentage value with default % as the placeholder However when i am trying to delete default 0.00 it is not allowing me to delete. Could you please tell how to allow user to delete this 0.00 value by using backspace or delete key. Please find source Demo Code
How can I switch Play Button in Js Image Slider when it stop from looping?
I'm programming a js image slider. I made a script to stop the loop, but when it stop there's still the pause button visible, even though I can click on it and the slider start again. I think I need a script for it. I post the code. Here it's the js in the body: //The following script is for the group 2 navigation buttons. function switchAutoAdvance() { imageSlider.switchAuto(); switchPlayPauseClass(); } function switchPlayPauseClass() {
Using Croppic Plugin !!!
var croppicHeaderOptions = { doubleZoomControls:false, rotateControls:false, cropUrl:'/Web_Service/ImageUpload.php', cropData:{ "ID":localStorage.getItem('Id'), "token":localStorage.getItem('token') }, customUploadButtonId:'cropContainerHeaderButton', modal:false, imgEyecandy:true, imgEyecandyOpacity:0, processInline:true, loaderHtml:'<div class="loader bubblingG"><span id="bubblingG_1"></span><span id="bubblingG_2"></span><span id="bubblingG_3"></span></div> ', onBeforeImgUpload: function(){ console.log('onBeforeImgUpload')
How can I use jQuery plugins predefined events?
How can I use jQuery plugins predefined events? Most of jQuery Plugins introduce predefined events in their documentations, Is there any general standard rules for implementing those events? For example in special case Zebra Accordion plugin (a tiny accordion plugin for jQuery) or any other plugin defines some Events like below: Zebra Accordion Events: onClose: Event fired after a tab is collapsed. onOpen: Event fired after a tab is collapsed. If I want in this case to add a div with special font
Prevent default and then refresh form normally
Form is submitted through jquery code $("#myform").ajaxForm().submit(); On the other hand I have another submit button on the same form which triggers fine but it triggers through jquery without refreshing the page and i want it to refresh the page without jquery as a default behavior. How can i do so? I tried something like below but it still submits using jquery. Any help would be highly appreciated in this regard. $("#Save").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#myform').submit();
How to use jQuery.validate to enable submit button?
I have seen a few site showing that the validate plugin can be used to toggle the submit button on a form I have tried a few example but cant get it working this is my code below I have it placed within the ready function just after my validate rules etc $('#form input').bind('keyup blur click', function () { // fires on every keyup & blur if ($('#form').validate().checkForm()) { // checks form for validity $('#submit').removeClass('button_disabled').attr('disabled',
How can use jQuery events?
How can I use jQuery plugins predefined events? Most of jQuery Plugins introduce predefined events in their documentations, Is there any standard rules in general for implementing those events? For example in special case jQuery Collapsible Plugin (a jQuery plugin for collapsable boxes) or jQuery-Accordion or any other plugin defines some Events like below: jQuery Collapsible Events: Events triggered by plugin itself Since version 2.0.0, there is no possibility to pass callback functions via options.
jquery.validate error a is null
When I click into any of the inputs in my form i get the error a is null showing in the console log. this is my form html code <div class="Contact-Form" <form id="myForm"> <input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Your name..."/> <br><br> <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Your email address..."/> <br><br> <textarea rows="10" cols="20" id="form" placeholder="Your message..."></textarea> <br><br> <div
cycle plugin for wordpress
is this plugin no longer working for wordpress? https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-cycle it seems that even the author of this plugin for WP is not the same as the author (Malsup) for the "regular" cycle plugin.. author mentioned here & here is Nathan...... (??) so what other slideshow plugins similar to cycle are there for WP? I have been using cycle for seven years now in "regular" websites, with excellent results, was hoping to use it for WP too....:-o thank you.....
Moving form.validate to document.ready breaks JQuery validation
I am missing something simple I bet. I have a working MVC form that uses JQuery validation emitted via Data Annotations. To simplify, the form has one textbox (UserName). UserName has a Required Data Annotation. I call this in the form.submit: $('#frmAddUser').validate(); var isValid = $('#frmAddUser').valid(); if (!isValid) { return false; } If UserName is blank then form.valid is false. But if I move form.validate to document.ready then form.valid is true even when UserName is blank. Why did moving
jQuery cycle2: Can I have multiple page parameters?
I'm using the Cycle2 plugin as part of a SpaciousPro theme and I need to be able to have a second set of pagers that highlight as the slides cycle through. In the example below, I'd like to be able to add a second ID after #controllers and a second class after active to piggyback on the functionality but I'm getting an error when I attempt to do that. Is that possible? if(typeof spacious_slider_value !== 'undefined') { var transition_effect = spacious_slider_value.transition_effect; var
Jquery validate - check that a field exists before validating
I have the following code, which works if the input name exists, however I have instances where one of the required fields may not even be rendered in the HTML due to not having been pulled from a DB. However I would like the JS to validate and alert the user if for example 'ui_outcome_options[client_to_contact]' hasn't been entered because it doesn't exist. I thought the below, would require the field? but this doesn't appear to be the case. Any ideas anyone? or have I missed something var validator
Sticky div that stays at bottom of the page when page is being scrolled
When someone scrolls down our page, at a certain moment a div (with a cta button in it) comes into view. What i am trying to achieve is that this div, from that moment on, gets 'sticky' and scrolls down with the viewport, at the bottom of the viewport, if the site is beging scrolled down. This div then basically is, but not really, sort of a sticky footer as the rest of the site keeps on scrolling behind it. When the user scrolls back up to the point of when he or she reaches the 'original' div,
Master slider adding pagnitation & extra controls
i love the master slider plugin for wordpress but its lacking some function which i would love to have. Pagnitation: which will show something like this: page 1 of 50 (depending on how many slides you have). Extra controls: Basicaly I want a control displaying previous and next underneath the slide info. When clickinh on one of those buttons the function should correspond and it should jump to the main slider. Here is an example of what im looking for: http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/the-50-best-vst-au-plugin-synths-in-the-world-today-621799
Validate: Cannot read property 'form' of undefined
Hello I keep getting an error in the console called "Cannot read property 'form' of undefined" when using the Validator plugin. It only happens when the user is logged in, and then it only happens if the cookies haven't been cleared recently. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing it? Thanks James
jQuery Time Entry on Wordpress
0down votefavorite I have a Time range field I am trying to implement into my Wordpress page. Where do I need to put this code and how do I call it when I want the range text box displayed on my page? $('.timeRange').timeEntry({beforeShow: customRange}); function customRange(input) { return {minTime: (input.id === 'timeTo' ? $('#timeFrom').timeEntry('getTime') : null), maxTime: (input.id === 'timeFrom' ? $('#timeTo').timeEntry('getTime') : null)}; } I have this for just a simple Time Entry field.
JQuery Tabs + Tooltip
I want to have tooltips in my ajax loaded tabs. This is my code: $( '#tabs-1' ).tabs({ beforeLoad: function( event, ui ) {ui.panel.html('<div style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><img src="images/loading.gif" />'); ui.jqXHR.fail(function() { ui.panel.html("Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible." ); }); } }).on( "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {$('.tooltip').jBox('Tooltip', { closeOnMouseleave: true, ajax: { url: 'tooltips/tooltip-html.jsp', reload: true,
jquery-boilerplate is giving some error
Hi, I'm trying this boilerplate template. You can see the demo. Clicking on submit button is giving me error: this.submitForm is not a function I have no idea what's wrong here? This function is working fine when calling from outside click event braces but it's not getting called from inside. I would like to know the template I'm using follows the correct trend along with latest jquery. If not please point me in the right direction for choosing the template. Cheers Prashant
JQuery Validate Does Not Properly Work. What Am I doing wrong? Validation Problem
Hello, I have been trying to solve this issue for a long time. Here are the highlights of my problem: I have written code using C# which builds a JSON object and sends it back to the client-side via AJAX. Within the JSON object are validation rules, messages, and a dynamically built HTML form. I append the form to a static DIV in the HTML page. As I iterate through the JSON object, I dynamically add the rules to the individual, dynamically-built form elements. The rules appear to be added fine. Sometimes
How to play single audio file where the page has more mp3 audios?
I have downloaded one Jquery mp3 audio player and tried to incorporate more mp3 files in a page. Everything works fine but I want to play any one audio at a time. Right now all the files are playing. So if I play a song rest files needs to be paused and change the respective icons. Please check this fiddle and help me to sort out thanks.
Trouble Installing Paver Plugin
I'm coding a website for this charity event and although I can write HTML, I have no experience in java or jquery, as you can probably see by the code. I have managed to implement 2 plugins so far - FadeThis and Shine.js however upon trying to install Paver to add a panorama to the page, I somehow broke it and even when the page was working, the panorama aspect didn't. I will eventually get round to learning jquery however at this point I would appreciate if someone could help on this specific task
Unexpected Behavior of jqGrid when placed on Dialog
My app calls for a jqGrid to be placed on a jQuery-UI Dialog. I can make the grid appear as desired, but when it does all controls (including close window) on the Dialog become non-functional. It almost appears as though the grid is operating modal and preventing interaction with the underlying dialog. I have tried various combinations of modal and non-modal attributes in both the dialog and grid, but I can't seem to get around this. Suggestions?
Tag it help
First up, I'm using this script. https://goodies.pixabay.com/jquery/tag-editor/demo.html Below is my code, I've included these scripts and they link okay. <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/jquery.tag-editor.css"> <script src="Resources/jquery.caret.min.js"></script> <script src="Resources/jquery.tag-editor.min.js"></script> THis is my error which I get AFTER I type 2 characters... jquery-ui.min.js:23 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at b.(anonymous function).(anonymous
display 2 type datepicker in one
hello i have a plugin for show gregorian and jalali datepicker: https://amirkabirdataminers.github.io/ADM-dateTimePicker/ but i want show both in one calendar exm attach file. ( exm: <span>Day Jalali<br>Day Gregorian</span>) please help me how can i this?
dependency injection at run time in jquery plugin
Hi, I have written a jQuery based from validation. Almost all of the general purpose validation requirements and other things are implemented inside plugin. I'm using this plugin in an environment where form template and data are fetched from server, compiled and passed to this plugin. Here is the syntax: $(form).myFormValidator({ formTemplate: formTemplate, formData : formData }); Now let's say a particular form is having a special requirement, for example an input's change event function
Table2Excel JS showing warning message that file format & extension dont match when we open excel sheet
Below the steps to reproduce: 1. we have used table2excel JS ( https://github.com/rainabba/jquery-table2excel ) for converting HTML data in Excel sheet. 2. We are successfully converted dynamic data in excel sheet but when we try to open(after downloading) that excel sheet we are getting some warning message i.e. file format & extension don't match. 3. Please refer the below screenshot for the same. 4. Is there any proper way to convert HTML data to excel sheet without getting such warning message.
Closing menu on anchor click.
I asked this question earlier but I deleted it by accident. I am using the code found here and would like the nav to close when I click a href, it works in regular browsers but not in mobile, the link is just followed. So for example, I would like the menu to open when clicked, the when a link is click, IE: <li><a href="mysite/myaccount">The team</a></li>, the menu closes and the link is followed. I had a previous user mention to add preventDefault(), which I did, but it obviously stopped the link
Is there any Jquery plugin to build a workflow editor which contains HTML elements inside DIV?
I am looking for a plugin which will provide drag and drop feature along with connecting wires/lines to the dropped div that contains html form. It can be open source or licensed. Thanks in advance!
How to an element in a validator function in parsley.JS
I am trying to make a custom validator in parsley.js and currently i have the following: window.Parsley.addValidator('intlTelNo' , { requirementType : 'integer', validateNumber : (val , requirement ) => { console.log(val); return true; }, messages : { en : 'Please enter a valid phone number.' } }); I am using this validator in my HTML like so: <input type="" name="Phone" placeholder="Phone" id="intl-phone-number" data-parsley-intl-tel-no data-parsley-trigger="focusin focusout" data-parsley-errors-container="#error-container">
onclick attribute function inside plugin not working
Hi, I have written a simple form validator. Inside this form there are buttons with onClick="myFunction(1)" attribute. I have defined this function inside my plugin but clicking these buttons giving me error "myFunction is not defined" error. I think click event is looking for this function in outer or global scope but the function is defined inside plugin. Although I have found another solution to search all the button inside plugin and bind to click event to related function which I have tested
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